#6, Self-Investment Update
Refresher of why I’m doing this:
This year, I’m on a mission of loving myself extraordinarily well.
This requires me to upgrade my systems for my physical, mental, career, and environmental/social health.
Every week I share an update on how the systems are working.
This week’s Notable Moments:
Visited Grand Canyon for the first time and was blown away. Reminded me how expansive the world is, how much there is to experience, how available it actually is, how it’s our choice to engage with it. Completely in awe. Goosebumps and everything. Couldn’t believe that it took me over two decades to visit despite living so close.
Met an Airbnb host who developed epilepsy after a bad accident. Was moved by his story and how he embraced his new normal, continued to bet on himself, and designed his ideal life. Over the last 20 years, he and his wife have poured their love and energy into turning 8+ acres of plain land into a gorgeous 7+ bedroom home, 3 barns, and an abundant farm with the friendliest animals I have ever interacted with. This roadtrip has exposed me to so many ways of living and so much inspiration.
Shireen’s System for a Healthy Body
Week 6, Aug 6 - Aug 12:
✅ on Day 20/22 of cross-country roadtrip, hit my “end of roadtrip” goal weight of 152lb. Intermittent fasting continues to save my ass!
✅ Back half of cycle so shifting to 13hr minimum fasts, doing well with average closer to 16hrs
✅ on days 10k steps were not achieved — days were still spent active / in nature / in water
❗️Did not hit sleep goals this week but generally waking up refreshed and naturally
❗️Not hitting daily protein goals… need to remove snacks from environment
Roadtrip Goals:
Cellular repair and metabolism health:
Fast 16+ hours Day 1-14 of menstrual cycle; 13+ hours Day 15-35
Strength and flexibility:
10K steps + hit micro-exercise goals every day during roadtrip
Cognition and healing:
8hrs/night sleep during roadtrip
Hit at least 30% protein on macros every day
AM and PM supplements every day
Target weight: 152lb by end of roadtrip / 145lb by EOY
Shireen’s System for a Healthy Mind
Observe my thoughts / thinking patterns. Evaluate if I want to keep or change. Track them in yay/nay list.
Actions > Thoughts. When there is a thought to do something and it is determined to be a healthy thing to do, take action immediately.
Week 6, Aug 6 - Aug 12:
✅ YAY Patterns:
Emotion regulation is underrated. Your emotions are yours, and only yours. Take care of them, observe them, understand them, regulate them. Take action after regulation.
Run towards resolution. The sooner you embrace the suck, the sooner you can understand it, work through it, and move past it.
Are you having fun? Yes - keep at it. No - try something different.
Let people be who they are. Let them do what they want to do. Let them show their full selves. Learn to fully see people and love them for who they are, not who you want them to be. Do the same for yourself, and spend more time with people who love you for who you are, and not who they want you to be.
Shireen’s System for Healthy Value Creation
Week 6, Aug 6 - Aug 12:
What did I do to create value and be of service today?
What new roads did I create for that value to be received / exchanged?
Still shit.
Shireen’s System for a Healthy Environment
Retro - what parts of me were amplified last week, what did my environment look like?
What parts of me do I want amplified?
What changes am I making to my environment to amplify these parts?
Week 6, Aug 6 - Aug 12:
Last week’s Retro:
time blocking for deep work while on roadtrip didn’t work, and that’s okay. accepting the value of being present right now and trusting the work and creativity will flow when i’m back in the appropriate environment
action, action, action towards delivering professional value → less words, less emotion, less planning, more experimentation
back to SF this wee and will build out a system to begin 8/19 that selects for deep work
Do you <3