In this episode, Nabila shares her experiences as a solo-traveler and how she visited 30+ countries while being a full-time student. Coming from a traditional South Asian family, Nabila talks about being the girl that always followed the rules and stayed on the path that her parents wanted for her: going to pharmacy school, getting a job, marrying, and having a family. But when Nabila found herself miserable during school, she decided to make a change. She tells us about overcoming familial and societal pressures to empower herself and beginning her journey as a solo traveler. Nabila believes traveling has been her greatest teacher and shares the invaluable lessons, as well as some fun (and not so fun) memories she made along the way.
About Nabila
Nabila Ismail found her passion for traveling as a way to escape college after being so stressed and pressured from her parents. What started off as one trip to get away and learn Spanish, turned into a wild travel bug. Over 30 countries later, Nabila has worked abroad at a hostel, been on a safari in Tanzania, volunteered at a HIV Clinic in Zimbabwe, and bungee jumped in Costa Rica. Her solo adventures have changed the way she sees the world, what she wants to do with her career, and how she wants to live her life.
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